“Maize in France” – a Brand and a Website for the French Maize Seed Industry
The French maize seed production industry is equipping itself with a brand name, in order to highlight the expertise of its actors and high quality of its production. Hence, the Maize in France – Semences d’Excellence brand will from now on be the signature line of all communication and promotion activities carried out by the FNPSMS in and outside France. A website with the same name is also accessible, providing internet users with ample information ranging from specific issues regarding seed production, to industry assets, as well as a platform of technical advice aimed at optimising maize production.
Staying a Leader
France is the first European maize producer and the first world exporter of maize seeds. Some 60 percent of its seed production is exported. However, the increasing equipment competitiveness in the Eastern European countries and “upward levelling” of their production methods, coupled with a declining grain and feed area in Western Europe are factors which France must be able to manage, in order to preserve its leadership. No market status should be taken for granted and the French maize seed industry puts a lot of daily effort into harnessing every asset it possesses, in order to achieve excellence.
The activities that the interprofessional organisation carries out with regard to competitiveness include the industry’s image and the quality of its production, identified as top priorities.
Thus, in order to highlight its assets and know-how, the FNPSMS and its members have committed to a communication effort, focused on three major objectives:
- Image and reputation: to publicise the know-how and expertise of the French industry and strengthen the “Made in France” image;
- Promotion: to globally promote French maize seeds and their added value and help maintain or expand their international market shares;
- Attractiveness: to attract prospects that are likely to open on French soil.
Capitalising on the Image of French Seed Excellence
In early 2019, the FNPSMS launched the Maize in France – Semences d’Excellence brand, intended to link a set of specific values and logos to the French seed industry in a lasting manner, in what would be a distinct entity from the FNPSMS structure.
The “Maize in France” brand name – a reminder of the ever so popular “Made in France” label – is complemented by the “Semences d’Excellence” signature, which is meant to clearly delineate the sphere of action. This unpretentious, self-evident logo is designed to suggest the high added value of the maize seed.
The brand will be promoted on the website with the same name and will be used as a signature line for the numerous announcements and promotion actions that the FNPSMS will carry out in and outside France.
An Educational Website About the Industry
The Maize in France website is intended to showcase the know-how of actors involved in maize seed production. It is aimed at the whole gamut of seed users (managers of agricultural holdings, small farms, grain producers, livestock growers, etc), as well as actors involved in the decision-making process (clients, retailers, agriculture regulators, etc).
As a precious tool for showcasing the industry’s assets, the website gives an overview of the factors behind the “off-cost” competitiveness of the French maize seed production. The internet user is thus able to access specific information on soil and climate conditions, the country’s production network, its certification system, or seed characteristics (germination rates and purity).
Acting as a post-sale service for seeds, the Maize in France website is packed with technical information meant to help one choose and use their seeds correctly, irrespective of their outlet.
Lastly, the website contains a comprehensive presentation of the industry’s actors, as well as of the missions and activities of the interprofessional organisation, to emphasize the unique nature of this excellence-seeking industry, which is more than 50 years old.